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Parcel Sorting Machine for Royal Mail

Royal Mail were developing a new machine for sorting parcels.

Royal Mail commissioned RED Design Ergonomics to work with their project team to provide ergonomics and design input to the development of the machine.


We worked with Royal Mail's ergonomics manager on every area where staff were required to operate the machine.

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We provided ergonomics and design input as required. This included the following:

  • Testing of mock-up workstations

  • Input to the design of workstations

  • Mocking-up parts of the machine to explore user interaction (reach and tasks)

  • Manual handling assessment of user tasks

  • UI design - of the user information screens on the machine

  • Testing of the first machine installed


The parcel sorting machine has been successfully rolled out to Royal Mail sites across the UK. The workstations have proved popular with operators and their work tasks are safe and efficient.

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